Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Oh , this is called paradox---> and target is ORKUT !!!

As I have mentioned on my first post only, that here only web usability won't be discussed but just after starting this blog, first thing I noticed is something related to that, and that is about our MTV youth icon of '07.
YES, you guessed it right.

The new layout of Orkut is good, but for birthday reminders you have to scroll down, so it's not eye catchy that as you open your account and you find the birthday of your dear friend. With new layout, if person opens the page, simply check messages, check scraps and reply and simply don't remember to see birthday section unless one is so desperate to wish somebody "Happy Birthday"

Because of this, I missed birthdays of many of my friends as I was much reliable on orkut for birthday reminders.

I think, locations for these kinda things should be catchy, so the place where friends list is displayed, the Birthday reminders should come.

Your views friends.

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